Success Stories for: SIBUR
    • Creating unified system of monitoring and configuration management of workstations

      Creating unified system of monitoring and configuration management of workstations

      Carried out works allowed SIBUR company to reduce significantly load of IT specialists at Corporate center and subsidiaries and affiliates for a variety of routine tasks, to increase the level of information security and to use information being collected to calculate performance measurements of IT personnel.

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    • Restructuring of infrastructure within the scope of Sibur Anywhere AD project

      Restructuring of infrastructure within the scope of Sibur Anywhere AD project

      Experts of Clearway Integration managed to propose optimal migration procedures allowed meeting all requirements of the customer. As a result of the project, IT infrastructure of Open joint stock company "Voronezhsintezkauchuk" was completely migrated to unified information system of the Sibur Holding just in 3 months.

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