We offer services in implementing and configuring Microsoft System Center Operations Manager – a platform for monitoring and management of IT-services, applications and servers in combined environment where solutions offered by different developers and based on different operating systems are used.
Our specialists’ long term experience in development and maintenance of such systems helps our customers to avoid typical mistakes both in their design and further exploitation.
This solution allows:
- Monitoring systems availability and performance on the user side that provides possibility of timely (automated as well) response to failures before they result in large implications.
- Timely receiving accurate and detailed information about service or its node unavailability in case of its failure.
- Specifying service level agreement and monitoring its adherence.
- Using ready-to-use templates for quick adding new services into monitoring system.
- Integrating this platform with other products for solving specialized tasks depending on business requirements.
While adding different services to monitoring system so called management packs are used. They allow the system to interact properly with the service, realize logic of different availability checks. With these packs monitoring system can fully recognize running status of one or another process. There are ready-to-use management packs for many popular and the most required systems. They can be both included into the product and uploaded on open access by teams of independent developers. Also there is capability of individual development of management packs for specific business-services. Our specialists’ long-term experience allows avoiding different problems in development of such solutions and using existing developments to force the process.
Management packs include health model of specific service because quite often they are created by software developers themselves and contain all recommendations for configuring. At the same time they can always be customized according to customer’s environment features, and depending on applicability of one or another check in specific customer’s infrastructure.
The complexity of such project directly depends on complexity of customer’s infrastructure:
- Number of services to be monitored
- Number of infrastructure systems
- Number of business systems
- Whether ready-to-use management packs exist or it is necessary to develop them using our resources.
Common project of deploying such system includes the following:
1) Audit of customer’s infrastructure.
2) Identifying the list of devices and services to be monitored by the system according to customer’s requirements and our recommendations based on research results.
3) Designing solution architecture taking into account peculiarities of the infrastructure. Creating and approving project documentation.
4) Implementing the system into customer’s infrastructure, configuring main nodes according to the plan.
5) Configuring platform for tasks to be solved:
- Connecting servers and services being monitored to the system.
- Searching and preparing management packs.
- Developing required management packs for customer’s specific systems and services.
- Configuring automated tasks for automatic response to failures.
- Adjusting report system.
- Setting preferred ways and parameters of notifying about incidents.
- Integrating with other systems.
6) Testing correct work of all components within different scenarios, preparing associated documents.
7) Training customer’s personnel.
In our estimations using of infrastructure performance monitoring systems significantly decreases amount of failures ant time required for their recovery. Furthermore, using this system having single information console greatly facilitates interaction of different groups inside IT-department.